

Tips To Fold a Fitted Sheet ?

How To Fold a Fitted Sheet ?

Folding a fitted sheet can be a bit tricky, but with a little practice, you can achieve a neat and tidy result. Here's a step-by-step guide to help you fold a fitted sheet:

1. Start by holding the fitted sheet with both hands, standing in front of it, and identify the two corners that fit on the shorter side of the mattress. Place your hands inside these corners.

2. Turn the sheet inside out by pulling one corner over the other, so the elastic edges are now on the outside. This will form a pocket-like shape.

3. Now, hold the sheet by the two remaining corners on the longer side of the mattress.

4. Fold the fitted sheet in half vertically by bringing one set of corners to meet the other. Ensure that the elastic edges are aligned.

5. Smooth out any wrinkles and straighten the edges to create a neat rectangle.

6. Fold the sheet in half again vertically, bringing one edge over the other. Adjust the corners to create an even rectangle.

7. Finally, fold the fitted sheet horizontally to make a smaller rectangle. Tuck the elastic edges under and flatten out any wrinkles.

8. If you wish, you can fold the sheet one more time to create a compact square for easy storage.

Remember, practice makes perfect, so don't be discouraged if your first few attempts aren't flawless. With time, you'll become a pro at folding fitted sheets neatly and efficiently.

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